Teens Church – Sunday Mornings
10:00 A. M. following our Morning Worship Service.
Teens Class
Every Sunday morning
Our teens are dismissed to participate in a class; ‘Impact’ for ages 12 -17 years.
Every Sunday morning at 10:00 A.M.
This class is about real life and life experiences that teaches them how to live in a world where they must exist, helping them understand who they are and why they are different, in addition to, being proud of who they are in Christ Jesus. We teach them how they are loved so much by the Lord, and how He will hear them as they pray, in addition to, how He understands them when no one else does. We teach our Teens and Youth to have faith and trust in a God that will keep them, lead, and guide them throughout life and by Him all things are possible. This age is a difficult period for these young adults and we must train them up in the way they should go. This class is perfect for all teens!
Fun and Fellowship, Food and Games, Movies and other Activities.