We are the Pastoral Shepherds serving under the Chief Shepherd, Jesus Christ, and to Him we give all the honor and glory. Our biblical truths are from the Bible and we teach the Doctrine of Christianity. We are a New Testament Church operating in accordance with Acts. We are a Spirit-filled ministry by the direction and leading of the Holy Spirit. We believe that signs, miracles, and wonders are still prevalent. What do we mean? We believe that God still performs the miracles of the Old and New Testament today, by those that belong to Him. As the Pastoral Shepherds we devote ourselves to prayer and to the work of the ministry as we adhere to the Word. Our passions and goals are to equip all believers for the work of the ministry and to minister to those that need salvation.
Tim Houska, Senior Pastor
As the senior pastor, Pastor Tim has a revelation knowledge and a passion for sharing and breaking down the truths of Scripture. He has served at Christ Center Tabernacle for four years.
Dr./Pastor/Evangelist Timothy Houska is a graduate from Emmanuel Baptist University Graduating in 2002 with a Doctorate of Divinity (D.D.) and Doctorate of Theology (D.Th.). Pastor Tim is passionate about every aspect of ministry! He has a big heart for evangelism. Also, he is a giver and is thankful to be able to distribute food to those less fortunate at our sister Church in Wilmington, North Carolina, where he currently is the Senior Pastor as well.
Tim Houska is known for his bold preaching and dynamic ministering. He operates in all five offices of the ministry, in addition to, the gifts of the Holy Spirit, ministering to people by prayer, and the gifts of knowledge and prophecy. The gifts of healing and miracles are prevalently seen in his services.
Sheryl Houska, Pastor
Pastor Sheryl wears many ‘hats’ of the ministry. She has a passion for teaching, preaching, evangelism, in addition to assisting her husband Tim in all facets of ministry. She teaches and preaches alongside with and/or in the absence of Pastor Tim at CCT. Her recent marriage to Pastor Tim of three and one half years, has allowed Sheryl to travel with her mentor, Pastor Tim, assisting in the ministry with him. Sheryl has served in the ministry since 1980, ordained by Christ Center Tabernacle, as well as, other world known ministries, DWOM, and FGFMI. She holds an Honorary Doctorate (Hon.D.D.) by Christian Fellowship Ministries International Bible Institute out of Phoenix, Arizona.
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